Friday, November 24, 2006

Pamela Anderson Naked Is A No-No

Pamela Anderson le dijo a la revista Blender durante una reciente entrevista, que siempre que sale partying en Hollywood termina desnuda.

“When I go to Hollywood, I start at the Chateau Marmont and then I usually end up naked in David Lachapelle’s studio taking crazy pictures. That’s usually a night for me. Four or five in the morning, lying across a car in David’s studio.”Source

Por alguna razón escuchar a Pamela Anderson orgullosamente anunciar al mundo que disfruta emborracharse y desnudarse ya no tiene el mismo efecto en mí que antes tuvo. I’m fairly sure that it has something to do with the fact that her nipples are misplaced, that she has regular sex with Kid Rock and that her face is starting to look more weathered than an Egyptian pyramid. Talk about a trio of turnoffs! Los días de Pam setting off fireworks are long gone. I can accept that, I just wish she could!

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